Portal site for dating events
Comprehensive portal site base on themes of dating, dining and local activities. https://machicon.jp
Technologies:Backend: Ruby on Rails
Frontend: Initially SLIM, SCSS, ES6, then Vuejs
Database: MySQL, ElasticSearch, Redis
Servers: AWS EC2, RDS, ElasticCache, S3
Monitoring: AWS CloudWatch, Newrelic, Datadog, Bugsnag
Base on the themes of dating, dining and local activities, the website provides various event information where users can easily search for suitable events and purchase ticket to participate. We were able to deliver a markedly better user experience by adding new features, optimizing performance and UI / UX design. Since this is the main service of a listed company, we exclusively focused on the website’s speed and user-friendliness , which directly contributed to a decrease in exit rate and boosting sales.